
With picturesque views along the edge of the bay, the Marina attracts shoppers and foodies to congregate on its boutique-lined streets and extensive green spaces. Offering exceptional views of the Golden Gate Bridge and a plethora of entertainment options, there is always something to do in the Marina.

Marina residents embrace the distance dividing them from downtown, because that makes their little corner of San Francisco a bit quieter than others. Theirs is a retreat, with ample parks and Golden Gate Bridge views on-demand. Chestnut Street is a bit quieter than Union Street, but it has no shortage of chic restaurants and stylish boutiques.


Notable properties


3460 Baker Street - Italian Renaissance Revival (1927/1997)

3201 Baker Street - Meditteranean Revival (1929)

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Property surveyors and inspectors providing comprehensive, high-quality, customizable loss control inspections for high-value residential and commercial insurance lines.

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