Potrero Hill

Family-friendly Potrero Hill is an often-sunny, hilly area with bay and skyline views and a mix of condos and classic Victorians, plus parks with sports facilities. 18th Street has quaint eateries and shops. Nearby are gritty music spots and the historic Anchor Brewing Company, which offers tours. On the neighborhood's eastern edge, industrial-cool Dogpatch, with hip bars and eateries, runs along the waterfront.

Family-friendly Potrero Hill is an often-sunny, hilly area with bay and skyline views and a mix of condos and classic Victorians, plus parks with sports facilities. 18th Street has quaint eateries and shops. Nearby are gritty music spots and the historic Anchor Brewing Company, which offers tours. On the neighborhood's eastern edge, industrial-cool Dogpatch, with hip bars and eateries, runs along the waterfront.


Notable Properties


301 Pennsylvania Avenue, Richards House - Italianate (1865)

300 Pennsylvania Avenue, Adams House - Italianate (1867)

1745 20th Street, Dow House - Italianate (1875)

1260 Potrero Avenue, Ohlandt Newlyweds House - Stick/Eastlake, Wolfe & Sons (1888)

752 Carolina Avenue - Contemporary, Jeffrey Miller (1997)

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